Top Eight Easiest Video Games
Some time ago I made a top ten hardest games list on FaceBook, so why not make the opposite. Just gonna give this Vivaldi thing here a try, test out em new blogs. There isn’t as much debate to put in when deciding how easy a video game is, not as much as people think. The important part is, the game has to have been easy. (without codes or exploitable glitches) This is in no particular order, and keep in mind, if there’s some easy ass game out there I didn’t mention, odds are, I didn’t play it. I keep hearing about Terminator Salvation, the Lego games, Kirby Super Star. But I’ve not played any of these, so obviously, I can’t say if they’re easy or not. I actually have played Kirby Super Star, but I remember NOTHING of it, so I can’t really mention anything.
This is based on opinion, and I’m not saying I’m a super good gamer; I was going to make a top ten list, but I can’t find enough games that I would define as ”easy” to make said list. So this list of eight easy games is what I have.
I Spare Parts
It should be noted that in order to finish the game, you absolutely need two players, and the end boss is glitchy. But that does not figure into a difficulty factor, in my opinion. The game was designed for a younger audience than that which I figure into, so that explains that. Short levels, weak enemies, the game treats you like royalty. If you want to find all hidden collectibles, it’s something else entirely, but otherwise, this is easy as hell. It was also my first platinum on the PS3.
II Rhapsody a Musical Adventure
The only time I died in this game is when I did it on purpose. I let the end boss kill me…and it doesn’t even move. It took like three minutes to get my guys killed, too. I started it on the highest difficulty, it was a complete joke. A fun RPG by the makers of Disgaea, the game tests your mettle by finding enemies who can randomly decide to join you after being vanquished. The chances for this are rather small though, and some enemies barely ever appear. But you don’t need any secret party members to beat it, so…I am proud to say I actually found a Siren. This rare ally can only be found in like, the only place in the game you can’t return to once it’s done and you leave.
III Contrast
A puzzle game where you travel in and out of shadows to proceed. The game has many reported bugs and glitches, some of which I’ve experienced, but are easy to get around. Took me three hours to finish, and that included a break for dinner. I’m a trophy whore, so I like going for those. When I was done, I was missing two trophies, and it took me like 22 seconds to get them via chapter select. I admit, I got lucky for one of them, but Christ, the game has pussy ass trophies; jump in pirate chests, die on purpose…some of the trophies, it must also be mentioned, I just got and didn’t even know why. The game is also way too short. WAY too short. To be fair, it’s a PSN game, which means you’ll pay 15 bucks for it, and I got it free when the PS4 came out. These ”smaller” games can be forgiven for this, but I paid six bucks for Hotline Miami, and while I did finish it, I can’t see myself bagging the platinum for this, ever. Gotta add a bit of some challenge, man. I love great graphics and original ideas, but a game is a game, I shouldn’t be able to complete a modern game in three hours.
IV Lollipop Chainsaw
If you’re going for all achievements/trophies, this can be a bit of a job, but just finishing it is pretty easy. The game offers a lot of different combos and stuff, but I found myself relying on the same strategies over and over. I love this game to no end, but I’ve always been a little turned off by games that don’t force you to truly master everything it has to offer. (and I platinumed it) Some of it is tricky at times, and the bosses harken to the old age of gaming when you really need to get a pattern down…but give yourself a week, if less, and you bagged it. Awesome game though, I’d love a sequel. Level 2 is reputed to be the hardest one, but give yourself 20 minutes to learn the patterns, and you have the hardest part of the game down. :/
V Breath of Fire
A grand game to be sure. Loved it. Don’t know what it was about this though. This is an RPG that didn’t force you to follow any standard JRPG rules, that which usually defines them. You just kind of whaled at opposition until it died, it seems that respecting things like fire/ice elements wasn’t very mandatory. And when it was, the pattern you had to get down was so easy to figure out, it was almost insulting. Only boss that gave me trouble was a giant mushroom thing, but that’s only because I thought the game was glitching out at certain points due to what the boss ends up looking like as the fight goes on. The only ”difficult” thing about this boss is that it has so much HP, the fight just never ends. I mean there wasn’t much you had to respect here, and nothing a little grinding couldn’t solve if you found yourself in a tight spot. Also, a town called Romero being overrun by zombies; classic stuff right there.
VI Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
A spin off from the Final Fantasy series, this game was geared towards a younger audience. Training wheels for role playing games, let’s say. The game is long, has a bit of some puzzle solving, (like, pretty much just the Focus Tower) and dungeons that will test your patience…but this is all you really need here. Nothing is difficult, just long and tedious. Just about every RPG I’ve played, I can think of some few parts that gave me trouble, but not with Quest. You can save your progress absolutely anywhere as well, which back then, was a bit of a new thing, and certainly helps with the easy factor. Not a bad game, but plowing through enemies near the end dungeons does become mindless and sleep inducing.
VII Dracula: Resurrection
Some people may not agree with me about this game being easy, but for some reason I blasted through it. It’s a puzzle game with some rather intricate mysteries to solve, but I was able to get into them because it wasn’t pushing blocks around, which I bloody despise. If you’re a fan of the Dracula novel, you’ll find that it actually helps for the answers to some puzzles. (Carfax, Quatre Faces, lol) Being that it’s a puzzle game, there isn’t much action, but what action there is, is ridiculous…enemies just stand there, waiting for you to figure out how to vanquish them. (not that there’s many of them…) I also own Dracula The Last Sanctuary which I thought was much harder, both in terms of puzzle solving and dealing with minions. (which actually moved, or rather, had a time limit thing going, so if you didn’t figure the puzzle out fast enough, you die) ) It’s a damn fantastic game series though, which sticks to the novel pretty faithfully, despite all the unofficial plot twisting.
VIII Ninja Spirit
This is the second video game I’ve beat in my life, and I was a kid then, therefore learning all the rules of traditional gaming, so it was a while before I finished it, and I did struggle. But it counts as an easy game because once you get the patterns down, no one hit death is going to do you in. Once you learn to exploit the bombs, you’ll kill just about every single boss before they’re even done appearing on screen. Just keep throwing them at anything that’s coming and you’ll have killed all challenge. At that point, only platforming stands between you and death, and it’s few and far between. (sept maybe in the last level, but just steer yourself to the left, trust me) This is the kind of game that any seasoned gamer will waste in under an hour, as it’s also very short. Timed myself once, I finished it in like 16 minutes.
While the game has its learning curve and share of threats, it’s nothing that you can’t handle if you’ve been playing games for a while because its patterns and bosses take so little skill to learn. Me struggling with it as a kid doesn’t count, because back then I didn’t even know what a password system was. (not that there’s one in this game, mind you) Excellent game, but had I to pay 60 bucks for this today, I would have been pissed off.
Bonus, Ninja Gaiden Black
Lol jokin bra
et si tu arrêter de jouer sur FB ? …….
et si tu nous faisais un résumé en Français ?….
Chu trops poche en francais. Ce me prenderait genre trois heures pour écrire ceette entrée par exemple, pour tout corriger l’ortographe et la grammaire. C’est bien plus facile an anglais lol. Et Vivaldi ne te laisse meme pas jurer. J’ai du enlever les mots shit et fuck. (mais ils te laisse les mots whore et ass, bizarre)
et tu ne peux pas mettre une photo avec moins de 50 mots il parait ! Valentine s’est fait engeuler car les pages de blogs allez être envahi de photos sinon , donc si tu veux poster une photo marrante ou autre avec juste une ligne … faut que tu ailles dans les albums photos , ce qui n’est pas du tout pareil !
merde pas de juron !je vais pas m’y faire !! ils sont béni oui oui ici !! tendance amerloque peut être ah ah ah
It’s just what I said on my posts about fifty words but u didn’t seem to get it then or when I’m saying something u don’t take it seriously!:(
mais si je te prends au sérieux j’ai même mis un comment à l’emmerdeur qui t’as dit ça ,!!! mais j’attendais de savoir qui il était
Ah bon?:p merci cat:D
mais ou je ne sais plus 😀
ah merde c’est ici que je dois te dire ou ! poor me !!! sur le blog de Val of course
Vivaldi me fait perdre ma logique par son illogisme ! ils ont fumé un pet avant de le creer ? 😀
tu as vu sur le blog de Valentine ils remettent ça !! les cons veulent nous faire partir pour rester entre eux ou quoi ?
ok ça s’assouplit un peu ! j’ai même vu quelques mots “grossiers ” ah ah
Da fuck yall talkin about. Chu pas capable ici, c’était bien mieux MyOpera. Et oui, les jurons c’est sacré. Si je ne peux pas les dires, ca fait chier. lol
mais si tu peux les dire , enfin il me semble , mais n’écris pas ENCULÉS ou FUCK en gras et gros sur ton titre ,ou alors pose une banderole “interdit au moins de 16 ans ” ou alors en Français ?
Vivaldi pense que les enfants et ados n’ont jamais vu,lu,entendu ces mots ,ni vu de seins ! 😀
Admet cat que vivaldi est tres diferent d’opera ! Tu crois qu’un va tester longtemps ici?
mais bordel tu veux faire preuve d’un peu de patience ! il démarre juste ! attendons de voir
Mais Je patiente!c’est pas Clair que Je patiente?:(
Tu crois pas qu’ils sont unpeu lents quand meme?
ah ah ! c’est sur que dans le forum il préfere discuter sur ” Whats your dream car?”ou “What browser do you use and why? “ou “Cherche sites et recettes de coeur de vache pour la Saint-Valentin ” ou le premier PC qu’ils ont eu que sur les changements possibles , je ne vois personne se plaindre du bordel pour lire ses commentaires
Le forum est bof…c’est la maternelle ou quoi?
les deux mon capitaine , les extrêmes se côtoient
Je deprime sur vivaldi…..
mais non exprime plutôt 🙂
Je deprime!c’est bien explique non?;)
mais faut pas , t’as pas d’amis ici ? si j’en vois ! et sur wordpress t’en as aussi
alors de quoi elle se plaint la fée chouineuse
:pFee mimi stp
c’est pas en venant ici que je vais changer mon fusil d’épaule
Biensur catsounette!:p
CATSE merci 🙁
Catse en grec ca veut dire assieds toi!:p alors c’est catsounette!
j’ai l’habitude que mon nom soit n’importe quoi suivant les langues
je veux bien m’assoir
Pas toutes les langues!en anglais en anglais ca veut dire quoi hein?:p
déjà tout les anglais pensent que je suis folle des chats ! horreur
et quand tu tapes Catse automatiquement google te mets Caste si tu ne fait pas gaffe
sinon c’est Common Approach To System Engineering
et d’autres
Et ben..:p
toi t’as juste la chanson et la toute poilue Lucy
il est ou le fantôme Dancing mad ?
Poli Lucy?lol
Dancing mad?Ben Je sais pas…c’est ton ami alors tu dois savoir :p
invisble man … oui toi être toute poilue et sans diamants
Mais Je suis pas poilu du tout voyons!:(
je dois te croire sur parole ? pourtant j’ai vu notre Lucy ….
Notre Lucy?quel Lucy?en tout cas pas moi!:p
notre ancétre commun Lucy 😀
Ah celle la!lol moi je prefere lucy la petite amie de charlie brown!:p
oui elle a seulement mutée un peu ! bonne nuit il est tard
quelle horreur ! enlève ça de suite tu déshonores Vivaldi
Tu veux dire que j’embellis vivaldi!:p:p
beuh non tu salopes tout 🙁
C’est pas gentil ce que tu dis 🙁
et ou as tu vu que j’étais gentille ? Ô mot hideux 😀
Tu me fais rire gentille catsounette!:p
flap flip flop !!!
C’est quoi ce flip flap flop hein?:):(:p
la pluie qui tombe ? mais non il fait beau soleil … quoi qu’est ce donc alors ?